Support the Project

The Shel­by Avenue Arbore­tum is a project plant­ed by the com­mu­ni­ty for the com­mu­ni­ty. This project improves the health and well­ness of Nashvil­lians, espe­cial­ly those liv­ing in East Nashville and pro­vides numer­ous eco­log­i­cal ben­e­fits to the area. We see a vision for this project that will also bol­ster eco-tourism in a city over­flow­ing with peo­ple look­ing for things to do. These trees have big dreams and a part of mak­ing those dreams come true is you and your support! 

If you’re an indi­vid­ual or an orga­ni­za­tion that would like to sup­port this project, please let us know! Nashville Tree Con­ser­va­tion Corps is the lead stew­ard of this project and we’d love to have your help. The project needs con­tin­u­ous fund­ing for main­te­nance as well as good olé sweat and mus­cles to keep it going. We’re open to all requests for help, we’ll find some­thing for you to do or sup­port, big or small. 

If you’re inter­est­ed in sup­port­ing this project, please email: help@​treeconservationcorps.​org