The Shelby Avenue Arboretum is a project planted by the community for the community. This project improves the health and wellness of Nashvillians, especially those living in East Nashville and provides numerous ecological benefits to the area. We see a vision for this project that will also bolster eco-tourism in a city overflowing with people looking for things to do. These trees have big dreams and a part of making those dreams come true is you and your support!
If you’re an individual or an organization that would like to support this project, please let us know! Nashville Tree Conservation Corps is the lead steward of this project and we’d love to have your help. The project needs continuous funding for maintenance as well as good olé sweat and muscles to keep it going. We’re open to all requests for help, we’ll find something for you to do or support, big or small.
If you’re interested in supporting this project, please email: