Find the Nurseries

Did you find a tree you loved grow­ing in the arbore­tum and would like to add it to your land­scape? Well then, browse Tennessee’s nurs­eries to find the tree and bring it into your home! 

We have list­ed here every Ten­nessee tree grow­er and sell­er that we could find. Some of these places will only sell to you if you are buy­ing whole­sale and have your own trail­er or truck to haul trees, some are dis­trib­u­tors who will have the truck and trail­er and can deliv­er for you, and some are retail nurs­eries you can pick up what you order on their lot. 

If you’re a Ten­nessee tree farmer or dis­trib­u­tor not list­ed here and would like to be list­ed, please con­tact us! Also, if you would like to be removed from the list, or have info updat­ed about your estab­lished, please con­tact us as well: help@​treeconservationcorps.​org

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