
About Arboretum


Shelby Avenue Arboretum is supported by the contributions of the Brown Family in loving memory of Martin and Betty Brown, whose legacy continues to grow alongside Nashville’s trees.

Funding for Shelby Avenue Arboretum, through the Nashville Tree Conservation Corps, was made possible by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service through grant 21SBPTN1025-00. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the USDA.

The Shelby Avenue Arboretum, through the Nashville Tree Conservation Corps, in partnership with the Tennessee Department of Agriculture Division of Forestry, has completed this community tree planting project.

Collage of photos.

Ongo­ing addi­tion­al tree plant­i­ng main­te­nance and expan­sion of the project are made pos­si­ble by funds made avail­able from the Metro Nashville Tree Bank Fund.

Shel­by Avenue Arbore­tum and our com­mu­ni­ty are hon­ored to have an exten­sive list of bene­fac­tors to sup­port our grow­ing project.

We would like to thank the fol­low­ing con­trib­u­tors for help­ing us rebuild and main­tain the beau­ty of Nashville with our 680 tree arboretum:

Run­ning along South 7th Street all the way to Shel­by Park in East Nashville, as a bene­fac­tor, you become a huge part of Nashville’s cur­rent growth, his­to­ry, and future. Reach out to us if you’re inter­est­ed in becom­ing a Shel­by Avenue Arbore­tum benefactor.

As a Nashville com­mu­ni­ty, we have come togeth­er from many walks of life to cre­ate a safe and beau­ti­ful space for trees, wildlife, and nat­ur­al beau­ty. You can learn more about most of our gen­er­ous donors by vis­it­ing their web­sites and see­ing how we all con­tribute to the community.